Loving the vintage vibe!

Here's where I'll share my obsession with vintage fabric! It's taking over my house!

I'll sharing with you my favorite fabrics, my 'adventures" in dressmaking using vintage patterns, some home furnishing ideas and no doubt I'll be telling you about any exciting finds! Love to hear about your vintage adventures too!

My first Shop was AudreysCat ( online shop May 2010) , but my new logo / name - WittyDawn , arrived Jan 2014.

I hope you'll have time to browse my shops too !

Friday, 24 May 2013

.. and another thrifty vintage fabric project....

So when I get vintage fabric it is frequently in the form of curtains. I unpick the seams, wash , dry ( outside preferable WHEN we get sunshine.... remember sunshine....?!? ) and I iron the lovely fabric.

HOWEVER one is always left with foldmarks where the hem was - so you can have quite long strips of fabric to use up in some way - because NO WAY will you throw away even the smallest scrap . This is what I've been using the hem remenants of some of my favorite fabrics for :

1. Spend ages selecting your remenants - and BOY I have a lot ....

2. Sew them together like a big fabric jigsaw, pressing out seams ( I also sew flat) and adding co-ordinating trim as you go . You then need to cut the front patchwork fabric to match your cushion size.  I like to make my cushion covers a fairly tight fit so for a 50cm by 60cm cushion I will work with a 53cm by 63cm piece giving a 1.5 cm seam allowance. I cut my backing fabric ( usually plain white/cream lining cotton ) for the patchwork piece a bit larger as I can trim it later

3. I tend to like piping on my cushions  - you can make piping or buy it . If you want to make it this is a good tutorial http://sewfearless.com/2011/12/13/taking-the-leap-into-handmade-piping/ .  Sew on piping as per the link, making sure the  piping stitch line matches the cushion size - ie. about 1.5 cm in from edge of patchwork piece.  

4. I then tend to use an envelope closure for the back of the cushion. You can follow the stitch line from piping as a guide.Here's another useful link http://www.ehow.co.uk/how_4762220_sew-envelope-back-pillow-covers.html . Sometimes I use a zip closure but in a boy'ish household there's a chance of cushion/pillow fight tomfoolery and a zip in the face isn't much fun...

5. Trim the excess fabric from seams - I like to zig zag the raw edge. Turn inside out, iron and  stand back and admire ... :)

"The cobbler's children go unshod "

Are you familiar with the phrase "The cobbler's children go unshod" ? It means that the cobbler spends so much time looking afer his customers' needs that he has no time for his children's.

Now my kids DO have shoes .... but I spend so much time create goodies for my customers my own projects get sidelined. My cushions were looking particularly scruffy - not good for someone who has SO much lovely vintage fabric! 

So my cushions are getting updated - these 'new' vintage  ones are for the family/dining room - where the colour theme in accents of orange and blue. I still have more to do for the front/music room ! I've also  got some fabric framing projects to do and some skirts to make for myself ... so... I'd better get busy!

PS - My shops are shut over half term whilst I play with the kids and play "catch up" with my projects :)  Back to work on Mon 3rd June.

Dawn x

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

WOO HOO ! AudreysCat is the Featured Seller on Folksy this week


Hang out the ( AudreysCat) bunting !

The lovely Folk at Folksy have selected my shop to be featured this week on the main shop front page and on the Folksy Blog this week Folksy Blog ! Meet the maker ... AudreysCat

Please pop over to comment and shares would be lovely :)

To celebrate I will add a little bonus for customers this week

You could win a £10 'voucher' to spend in my Folksy shop - you could buy a mouse, bird, put it towards some bunting, a bag, a cushion or one of my owls !

Everyone who buys something between 10 am Tues 7th May and Sun 12th midnight will be entered in the draw for the prize.

So if you've been thinking about buying from AudreysCat nows the time to go for it!