Loving the vintage vibe!

Here's where I'll share my obsession with vintage fabric! It's taking over my house!

I'll sharing with you my favorite fabrics, my 'adventures" in dressmaking using vintage patterns, some home furnishing ideas and no doubt I'll be telling you about any exciting finds! Love to hear about your vintage adventures too!

My first Shop was AudreysCat ( online shop May 2010) , but my new logo / name - WittyDawn , arrived Jan 2014.

I hope you'll have time to browse my shops too !

Friday, 4 May 2012


Back in Autumn 2009 a friend and I with a mutual interest in vintage fabric and sewing started a little venture called 'Audrey's Cat'.At that time I produced the Audrey's Cat avatar and logo that some of you will know. As I recall the name was my friend's idea - a link to the cat in Audrey Hepburn's Breakfast at Tiffany's. Due to changes in her life she was involved less and less in the business from about June 2010, finally formally leaving in about Sept 2010 and we agreed that I would continue on using the name - and my designs, and build upon the web precess I'd begun to grow from May 2010. This is my design on which my avatar and business logos are based

Yesterday ( Fri 4th May)  my OH finds another Audrey's Cat online- ( I know there is another one do do with ACTUAL cats...) however this one is linked to vintage jewellery and is based in Dubai with vintage jewellery parties, her face book page dates from March this year  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=326260044100246&set=a.326260037433580.73698.326259857433598&type=1&theater . My friend has a relative in Dubai who is a keen collecter of vintage jewellery.... and oh! how similar her business card logo is to my cat in my Audrey's Art shop ....how lovely....  you may draw your own conclusions....

This is her business card shown on her face book page.... kinda a 'lazy' way to start a business....


  1. Hmm, it is VERY similar design, and identical name. You must feel cheated! I agree a very lazy way to start a business . Are you going to approach your friend, and ask her to tak down the design, I would say you most definitely are within your rights to do so.

  2. I don't necessarily think it's my 'friend' ( not that I feel I could use that term now...) but her relative would have had access to business card etc of mine. I have emailed the business owner so we'll see what happens,

  3. How annoying! You'd think she'd want something all her own for her business.

  4. and if she'd asked me I'd've been happy to design something unique for her....

  5. Good luck, I hope this gets sorted hon.

  6. that's not a nice thing to do and you have my sympathy. I do think however that the brand is very easy to recognise as YOURS!

    one thing I will say though is that people who set up businesses in such a lazy way clearly aren't really bothered about it and no doubt it won't last or succeed because where is the passion?

  7. Oh, dear! It's very similar indeed. I suppose you can ask her not to use it straight away, before she can claim she's been using it for ages.

    I used to live in Cirencester for a short time - nice town!

  8. I just told my husband this story and he was amazed that someone could be so brazen. I hope you can sort it out without too much trouble.

  9. That is horrible Dawn! I'm so sorry you've been put into that position and really hope that it can be resolved swiftly. I really hate that some people just jump on other designers' band wagons and try to get their profits. It's totally unethical. So sorry.

  10. I wonder why they picked the logo and name? It would be interesting to find out why. x

  11. Why would anyone want something NOT unique?

  12. Hey Ana, I know so she was aware of the name and had seen my artwork about 2 years ago...

  13. Thanks everyone for taking the time to comment x!

  14. As horrible as it is there probably isn't much you can do about it. Even tho they are very similar they aren't exactly the same design. :o( still very sucky tho hun xXx

  15. yes, very upsetting.
    Unfortunately, there's not much to be done; she hasn't actually broken the 'passing off' regulations, as she is selling something completely different (vintage jewellery). And being based in Dubai, well out of reach of 'the long arm of the law', in any case.
    Hope she responds to your contact, but otherwise, best to take comfort in the old maxim, 'imitation is the sincerest form of flattery'


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