Loving the vintage vibe!

Here's where I'll share my obsession with vintage fabric! It's taking over my house!

I'll sharing with you my favorite fabrics, my 'adventures" in dressmaking using vintage patterns, some home furnishing ideas and no doubt I'll be telling you about any exciting finds! Love to hear about your vintage adventures too!

My first Shop was AudreysCat ( online shop May 2010) , but my new logo / name - WittyDawn , arrived Jan 2014.

I hope you'll have time to browse my shops too !

Thursday, 20 September 2012

September 'Chubby Chick' promotion

Hi all,

I want to make more but I'd like a few for find new nests before I do! so I've a little offer with my Chubby Chicks through the rest of September.

Place your order by 30th Sept and you will recieve a FREE 'lucky dip' brooch from my summer show stock - all very similar to my online brooches see below for examples of what you'd receive.

here’s the flock … http://folksy.com/shops/AudreysCat?shop_section=chubby_chicks
and they ARE pretty cute

I have another offer on these end of  season brooches - 5 for £16 ! another 'lucky dip' offer ( but they are ALL rather super....) http://folksy.com/items/3585906-WHOLESALE-Retro-Brooches-set-of-5-handmade-from-vintage-fabric

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Making A LOT of bunting

This week I've been making LOADS of bunting .... all of it featuring vintage fabrics . I think I've made about 200 pennents/flags ... I think I'll have a bit of a break from it now! these will be listed in Oct - I've a coffee morning to attend and an 'Open house' event planned so we'll see it any of it sells here first!

Next week .... I will be making more Christmas stockings! many will match with fabric used in this bunting :)

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Bank Holiday ! local Horti Show, some family successes!

We had a good day at our local Horticultural show in spite of terrible weather. As a family we put in lots of entries and came away with a bunch of 1sts/2nd/3rds etc !

This joint entry of 3 items of craft by Mum and myself came 1st.

Son won 1st with this super loaf of bread.

I got Firsts in for a Watercolor, a sketch and for this collage

( please don't be too impressed - some categories don't have many entries - however the standard is really high and it's super to see how much talent is bursting out in our area!)